2024 Sejong Writing Competition

Essay Winners

  Adult Division Senior Division Junior Division
First none Giljoon Lee
Cupertino, CA
(Christine Lee )
Elizabeth Jung
West Lafayette, IN
(Heejeon Joy Bras)
Second Gracie Alldredge (tie)
Royston, GA

Andrew Suh
Irvine, CA (Sandra Rabyy)
Joy Le
Sammamish, WA (Lauren Jackson)
Genevieve Dwyer (tie)
West Bend, WI              

Third Bridget Moon-Pierce
Oak Park, IL

Lucy Chong
Suwanee, GA (Christine Lee)
Eva Gesink
Berea, OH (Jane Darrow)
HM*   Erin Lee
Durham, NC (Erika McCarthy)
Irene Bae
Closter, NJ (Jaejun Kwon)
Eduardo Rios
Phoenix, AZ (Jo Markette)

Seoyul Kim
Tustin, CA (Rachel Moss)
Elizabeth Wagasky
Peoria, AZ (Caryn Bird)

Tung Khoi Nguyen
Anaheim, CA (Kimberly Artis)

*Honorable Mention

( ) Teacher's name


Adult division

Gracie Alldredge

adult division, second place (tie)

My name is Gracie Alldredge. I am a senior English Major at Emmanuel University. I had friends compete in this contest over the last several years, and I was reminded of it in my Theories class by Dr. Paul Petrovic. One of my favorite genres of literature is science-fiction short stories, so I thoroughly enjoyed exploring Bo-young’s short story. This is the first piece of writing I have ever submitted, so bringing myself to submit was the most challenging aspect of this experience for me.

I aspire to continue my education as I pursue my counseling credentials. I hope to continue traveling the world, serving as a missionary, connecting individuals through community and education. My passion is people. I want to see the world brought a step closer to unity through community. Writing and reading the written word holds such a heavy influence on communities. It allows for us to experience perspectives and cultures that we may not experience otherwise. It is my hope to share my experiences through writing and to teach others how to share theirs.

I have been beyond fortunate as I have spent the last several years of my life surrounded by individuals who are both passionate for people and literature. It is through their love for literature that my passion and knowledge has been the most nurtured. I would like to specifically acknowledge and thank Ashley Brookshire, Kyle Garrett Paul and Sarah Petrovic, Christopher Pipkin and each individual that continually inspires, challenges, and encourages me to continue in my pursuit of knowledge


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Genevieve Dwyer

adult division, second place (tie)

My name is Genevieve Dwyer. I study Korean and Chinese at my university in Wisconsin, USA. I found this competition while browsing the internet for Korean-related contests or activities. There are not many Korean events in my area, so I occasionally search online for events in which I can participate. While writing this essay, I had to think critically about science fiction works. While I have read science fiction works before, it is not a genre I read often. It was challenging to write this essay and to look past the unfamiliarity of the genre to interpret the underlying meaning.

My goal is to enjoy my time learning the languages I study and eventually achieve fluency in these languages and cultures. I have an amazing community at my university where I am surrounded by people with the same interests and who always support and encourage me. I am fortunate to have amazing language teachers who have given me various opportunities and inspired me to keep learning these languages. It is an understatement to say that my life would not be the same without them and I am thankful beyond words.


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Bridget Moon-Pierce

adult division, third place

My name is Bridget Moon- Pierce and I am a senior at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I found out about this competition from my mom who had heard about it through a family friend. Once I read the prompt, I knew I wanted to submit. I am an avid Science Fiction reader, so I was especially excited to participate in this competition.

      Even though I have read a lot of Sci Fi, while working on this essay I learned more about the central tenets of Science Fiction and what mechanisms move a story toward. The idea of science fiction as a metaphor allowed me to think about how Kim Bo-young’s story, “I’m Waiting for You,” was speaking to larger problems in our modern world.

      My personal aspirations are to continue pursuing an education in literature and continue to learn Korean and become fluent (hopefully I can read this story in Korean one day!). I would consider my personal heroes to be my parents, who are not only the most wonderful parents but also two of my best friends.


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Senior division

Giljoon Lee

senior division, first place

I first heard about the contest when my counselor told me about it near the beginning of the school year, and having been interested in literature for a long time, I gave it a shot.

Through the process of writing my essay, I was able to appreciate on a deeper level the unconventional literary techniques used by Kim Bo-Young in “I’m Waiting for You.” I will forever be awed by the expansiveness and emotional effect of the story, and I’m grateful for this contest introducing me to it.

I aspire to expand my knowledge in literature and develop as a writer. I consider my parents to be my heroes for their sacrifice and resilience.

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Andrew Suh

senior division, second place

I stumbled upon this competition through a recommendation from my English teacher, Ms. Rabyy. Ms. Rabyy likes to provide us with opportunities to shine and hone our English knowledge, and this was one of them.

I have always considered myself more leaned towards nonfiction. That was until I read Kim Bo-Young’s “I’m Waiting for You”, which introduced me to the creativity involved with unique literary techniques and the poignancy incorporated with such.

I look forward to discovering more about the impactful nature of literature and various methods used to intensify the effects. I consider my parents my heroes for their dedication and contributions to society and me as an individual.

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Lucy Chong

senior division, third place


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Erin Lee

senior division, honorable mention

I found the Sejong Writing Competition through my research for my English class' passion project. My research question was on Korean art and society, so after lots of Google searches I stumbled upon the Sejong Cultural Society and was so happy to discover its essay and sijo contest.

While reading Kim Bo-young's "I'm Waiting for You," I found myself crying at how beautiful it was and how beautifully I thought it was translated. I think it's my favorite sci-fi short story I've read so far. From it, I learned so much about Kim Bo-young's writing, her experiences, and tried to wrap my head around the idea of space and time as it differs across the universe and whether humanity really would respond as they do in "I'm Waiting for You" to an apocalyptic situation like that. I also became determined to learn more about Korean science fiction and literature (I hope more of Kim Bo-young's stories are published in English translations!).

As for my future aspirations, I hope one day I can work in a creative field, whether that be writing, making art, researching scientific questions, or something else I become passionate about!


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Eduardo Rios

senior division, honorable mention

I found out about this competition through my teacher–Dr. Jo Markette–when she introduced it to my Dual Enrollment English class in order to expand our writing and critical-thinking skills through analyzing the contest short story.

I dove into the prompt with high hopes of exploring all aspects of the love in the novel I’m Waiting for You. However, I hit a wall very early on in my writing pursuit. I kept mis-analyzing the idea of a western sci-fi and couldn’t understand how I could relate the novel to a movie. Thanks to the guidance of Dr. Markette, I was able to work through my struggle and connect the history of western sci-fi’s to the role they played in this piece. Through that experience, I learned the value of patience in writing. From there, I took off. I became a writing machine in the three-day span we had to turn in our first draft.

My goal in life is to pay back my family–especially my parents, who are my heroes–for everything they have given me. I plan to land a secure job as a software developer to build my wealth and eventually create a business for my parents so that way they won’t have to work for anyone else but themselves. Their unwavering persistence to see me succeed has made me into the man I am today. They instilled the core values of integrity, honor, and commitment from a young age. When I achieve my goals after graduating from Arizona State University, the credit will have stemmed from my parents, my inspiration.

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Elizabeth Wagasky

senior division, honorable mention

My name is Libby Wagasky and I am a Junior from Arizona who is currently homeschooled. I came across this contest while searching for opportunities to develop my passion for literature and writing outside of school. However, it wasn't until I read "Waiting for You" that I decided to participate. I was captivated by the story and its complexities, and the contest prompt provided me with an opportunity to write an essay in a completely new way.

As I conducted research and wrote my entry, I attempted to infuse my own thoughts and feelings with the same power that I felt from Kim Bo-Young's writing. Through this process, I gained a deeper understanding of contemporary Korean literature and the world around me. When I'm not writing, I enjoy reading, studying foreign languages, biking, and going on walks with my dog.

My mother has been a significant influence in my life as she has always encouraged me to explore new things and follow my passions and interests. My ultimate goal is to become a foreign service officer. Although literature may not be directly related to my career aspirations, I hope to continue to cultivate my passion for it. By doing so, I can continue to learn and grow from the experiences, expertise, and writing of others.

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Junior division

Elizabeth Jung

junior division, first place

My name is Elizabeth Jung. I am in 6th grade at Battle Ground middle school in West Lafayette, Indiana. I heard about this competition from my English teacher.

While writing this essay, I learned about the beauty of Korean literature. When I was young my mom would read Korean folk tales to me every night. Due to this experience I had a faded memory of Shimchong’s story. When I decided to participate in the competition, I expected Shimchong’s story to be a story about a typical poor, but lovely little girl. However, as I read the story, I started to appreciate Shimchong as the enterprising and adventurous woman she was throughout the story. I was impressed that this short folk tale could teach so many wonderful themes at once.

My greatest aspiration is to attend Purdue University. I aspire to continue learning languages and more about different countries' cultures including my own. Also, I would like to travel the world and continue to work hard in school.

The individuals I consider as my heroes are my teachers, Ms. Koo and Mrs.Bras who inspired me to work hard. They both taught me the importance of critical-thinking and helped improve my writing.

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Joy Le

junior division, second place

My name is Joy Le and I’m a 7 th grader in Washington. I first heard of this competition when my Humanities teacher Ms. Jackson mentioned it to us in class. I’ve never been in a writing competition before and the folktales were interesting, so I did it.

In the process of writing my essay, I learned several things. First, planning things out in detail is very important. I kind of rushed a few parts on the last day while I could have done better. Second, think in depth and analyze things before giving an answer. At first I was going to talk about not assuming things like the tiger did in my essay, but then while outlining what I’d say, I suddenly thought: why are we learning from the tiger’s lesson? That gave me my argument! Third, as said in my essay, I believe the mother in the folktale faced danger and tricked the tiger. This taught me that I shouldn’t run away from my fears or just give up because it would make situations worse.

I don’t have something specific in mind as in careers. But I would like to do something important that people will remember me for. Another goal that I have is to continue learning throughout my life.

I consider my dad to be my hero because he does a lot for my family and cares a lot about us. My grandpa is also my hero because he has a very great mindset about things in his life, and he can always remain good-tempered no matter the situation.

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Eva Gesink

junior division, third place

My name is Eva Gesink. I am a 7th grader at Berea Midpark Middle School in Berea, Ohio. I heard about this competition when the English teachers, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Vassel, and Ms. Darrow, offered this to interested students in their classes. Since I’ve always loved creative writing, I decided to take the offer!

An important lesson I learned while writing my submission was how much people tend to take the reliability of family for granted. While reading the sample, I was deeply inspired by the protagonist’s persistent dedication to her father’s well-being. This made me rededicate myself to being the best daughter I can be to my parents, and the best sister I can be to my siblings.

For the last few years, I’ve had the aspiration of becoming a marine biologist. However, contributing to this contest has made me consider a career in something creative like writing or art, for which I also have a strong passion. I believe I will always hold on to both passions, as they are equally captivating. Whichever goal I decide to pursue, I know I will thoroughly enjoy either one!

My hero is my grandpa. He always seems to see the light in the dark and makes me smile no matter the situation. His optimism and resilience prove him to be a great role model.

I love you Grandpa John!

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Irene Bae

junior division, honorable mention


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Seoyul Kim

junior division, honorable mention

Hello, my name is Seoyul Kim, and I’m a sixth grader from Tustin, California. While I was born in Korea, I’ve lived most of my life in the USA. I love visiting Korea, and I will never turn down a chance to learn about Korea’s culture and history. I learned about this writing contest through my writing teacher at LitQuest Academy, who encouraged me and my classmates to try out. As a lover of Korean folktales, I thought that this contest would help me develop my writing into even higher standards. Through writing an analysis of Shimchong: the Blind Man’s Daughter, I discovered that folktales, which seem like just stories for children, actually convey a deeper connection to the world and how human beings interact with their surroundings. From Shimchong, I learned the values of the heart and to what lengths true love can take people, even to the point of ultimate sacrifice.

I have always loved reading, and some of the books that hold a very special place in my heart are Fahrenheit 451 and all the books by Rick Riordan. I aspire to be a bestseller author when I grow up, writing books that are not only fun to read, but rich in universal themes as well. All the authors I have read are truly inspirations for me when it comes to writing. Art is one of my favorite hobbies as well, and I love drawing my adaptations of characters I have read about.

I feel honored to be chosen as part of this contest, and even more grateful to my parents and teacher, who helped me gain the courage to enter the competition. I truly aspire to be like them.


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Tung Khoi Nguyen

junior division, honorable mention

My name is Khoi Nguyen, I am an 8th grader enrolled at Dale Jr High School in Anaheim California. I discovered this competition when my English teacher, Mrs. Artis told me and my peers about a contest and for an assignment, to make a sijo and if we wanted, to submit it.

The things that helped me while writing sijo was reading other sijos that other classmates made or the ones online. While reading sijo after sijo, I’ve found common patterns and learned many things, like when writing a sijo, it doesn’t just have to make sense, it also has to sound right and roll off the tongue when said

My goals in life are to have a good education, enough to go into a university and get a degree. While keeping this up, I would like to stay close with my family and friends.

The people who inspire me to keep doing what I do are my friends and teachers. They are the ones that make me feel encouraged to keep doing work and even inspire me with their work and what they do for the community.

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