2013 Sejong Writing Competition
Winning Entries
first place ("Still American") - Roberto Santos
second place - Hannah Pohl
third place tie ("Pulaski, Tennessee") - Brandon Harris
third place tie ("Beauty in a Black Pond") - Brian Lok
third place tie ("Cancer") - Amy Malo
honorable mentions
YA/senior prompt: Compare Yi Mun-yol's novella Our Twisted Hero to another literary or artistic work or historical event.
Young Adult
third place tie - Sharanya Kumar
third place tie - Joanne LeeSenior
first place - Samuel Walder
second place - Hebin Hannah Jeon
third place - Jack Snelling
Junior prompt: Read a Korean folktale and write about one of three topics — a) your interpretation of the folktale and its creation, b) why you disagree with it, or c) which character you relate to the best.
first place - Sharon Lin
second place - Jessica Hsueh
third place - Justin Olah